A regular car service can add years to the life of your car. It can save you money as fuel consumption can be reduced significantly in a car that is running in optimum condition. Servicing your vehicle also increases trade in value by providing that up-to-date car service history. It may be vital in maintaining your vehicle warranty. Most importantly, a reliable scheduled car service means driving away safely and with confidence.
At Sandyford Motor Centre, we have over 30 years’ experience in car servicing and repairs. Our state-of-the-art workshop is fitted with all the latest diagnostic and repair equipment so that we can identify and repair faults quickly and accurately. Our highly trained technicians follow a rigorous list of tests and checks for the servicing of every car that passes through our workshops. We specialise in Peugeot, Mazda, Opel and Renault, but welcome all vehicles in need of expert servicing and attention.
Our pricing is competitive, transparent and has no hidden extras. Several pricing and servicing options are available to suit every motorist and every car needs. At Sandyford Motor Centre, we never carry out repairs without prior approval and always ensure that the customer is in total control of their spending with us.
Extras that make us special.
Book a full service, car checks, pre -NCT test, repairs or tyre checks with us today.